- Astoria
- Avon Oak
- Berkeley
- Bordeaux
- Brooklyn
- Burgess
- Cannes
- Canterbury
- Casa
- Cayman
- Coast
- Cotswold
- Coxmoor
- Curve
- Davenport
- Dorset Oak
- Dorset Painted Oak
- Dorset Rustic Oak
- Farringdon
- Grafton
- Greenwich
- Hockley
- Hudson
- Huxley
- Ibsen
- Kari
- Kensington
- Kobe
- Lundy Pine Painted
- Mandy
- Manhattan
- Moreton
- New Oak
- Pembroke
- Richmond - Elephant Grey
- Rockport
- Rufford - 2 Tone
- Rufford - Natural
- Soho
- Stanmore
- Torino
- Astoria
- Avon Oak
- Berkeley
- Bordeaux
- Brooklyn
- Burgess
- Cannes
- Canterbury
- Casa
- Cayman
- Coast
- Cotswold
- Coxmoor
- Curve
- Davenport
- Dorset Oak
- Dorset Painted Oak
- Dorset Rustic Oak
- Farringdon
- Grafton
- Greenwich
- Hockley
- Hudson
- Huxley
- Ibsen
- Kari
- Kensington
- Kobe
- Lundy Pine Painted
- Mandy
- Manhattan
- Moreton
- New Oak
- Pembroke
- Richmond - Elephant Grey
- Rockport
- Rufford - 2 Tone
- Rufford - Natural
- Soho
- Stanmore
- Torino
1 product
1 product

Roma Fabric Cantilever Dining Chair
Regular price £159.00/
The Roma cantilever dining chair offers the ultimate combination of comfort and style. A contemporary slate grey linen seat is perfectly complemented by a beautifully designed chrome base to create a modish chair that beautifully accompanies dining tables in all styles and finishes.
- Chrome Plated, Strong Cantilever Frame
- Easy Care Slate Linen Fabric Cover
- Contemporary Styling
- Perfectly matched with the Tempo Dining Table
- Depth of seating area - 42cm
- Height of seat pad to floor - 48cm
- Height of seat pad to top of back - 54.5cm
Width |
Depth |
Height |
54cm |
100cm |